Custom oak bookcase

Posted by on May 21, 2022 in My personal work | Comments Off on Custom oak bookcase

Custom oak bookcase

Inch and three quarters thick oak bookcases, floor to ceiling.

These bookcases were make from flush solid core doors. (36″ x 96″ each door).

Each door was ripped to three planks of 12″ x 96″ x 3/4″ .

An oak veneer was glued along the rough edges with iron-on glue type.

After the bookcases were assembled and installed, holes were drilled along the risers for metal wires to support the shelves,

After the shelves were cut to fit between the risers, two grooves were made on each side of the shelves with a router to slide into / over the wire supports.

Finishing the top of the bookcase with solid oak.

Now it’s ready for staining.

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