Custom made console for pickup trucks

Custom made console for pickup trucks
It has been a long time since I wanted to have a console in my pickup truck.
I wanted it to fit between the driver seat and the passenger seat.
As a contractor, and the owner of Shapira Builders, I carry few items in my truck such as, Writing pad, brochures, pencils, tape measure and more…
In the past I used all kind of different containers I bought at Office Max.
This console I designed and made it for myself, it works great.
It is the best I ever had 🙂
I see it as a prototype
I built from half an inch and quarter of an inch plywood, glue, staples and spray paint.
I even made a place for my cell phone to hang.
I am thinking about marketing it on eBay.
What do you think?
What would be a good price ?
This would be great for anyone that has a mobile office. It's so handy to have something that specifically fits your needs.
This was a very unique idea. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Great job with your console! I think it's definitely a necessity in any car or truck!
This is a great idea. Once I get my old pick up truck (for thrifting), I might have to invest one of these. I do think Etsy would be a good place to sell them, although I'm unsure of a price point, as it would depend on the material costs + time, etc.
This is really really great, organization is everything!
This console looks great. Looks like it's able to keep everything you need in specific places, so handy!
this definitely is an essential as it make things easier too.
Looks awesome I think but would it be custom made since not all trucks are the same or will you have a standard? I think sell the first few for less than £10 then see how it goes and work on pricing
Awesome! I need something like this for my SUV. There is probably a big market for it!
Very interesting. I like that you addressed having a place for pens/pencils.
Omg that is too cool! I will have to tell my dad about these since he has a pickup!
That is a very cool looking console you made! My hubby really needs one of those! Everything sits on his dashboard and it drives me insane when I am riding with him haha!
What a great idea to have everything handy. I would love to have one of these for my kids but I would be afraid of flying projectiles!
Great ideas, very organized!Every product has his buyers!
What a great idea! I bet a lot of people would be interested in buying these. Maybe something like Etsy, though (or a similar sort of site for handmade products), instead of ebay?
It makes a big difference when you have things organized just like you need them. Great job on this!
How is it attached to the seat?
This would be good for the contractor market. They spend so much time in their truck and often have lots of stuff all over the place. Upper end buyers such as managers and owners could be your target market for this. You want someone who is willing to pay for quality and will pay more than for something prefabricated. Nice idea.
I think you'll have a hard time selling it on eBay. I've seen a number of similar items made of plastic, which we be a ton cheaper than what you can make them for.
This is a nifty idea. I believe there is a marketing for an item like this.
That would be really helpful to have inside your truck. I could use something like that in my SUV, too!