Total bathroom remodel

Total bathroom remodeling with all new appliances, tiles and wall paint
First step was gutting old appliances, tiles and wall paper.
Then, installation of new bath and shower plumbing inside the wall. (rough plumbing)
Installation of new tub.
Removing part of the drywall and installing Backerboard ( half an inch cement board) to receive tiles.
Tiles are two by four white tiles, the pattern is called, Brick pattern.
Two by two black tiles added as accent.
Next step was installation of floor tiles, the tiles came on 12 by 24 inch sheet, the style is called Wind Mill.
After all tiles were installed with white grout, wainscoting was installed on top of new baseboard,
The wainscoting paneling came on four by eight by quarter of an inch sheets.
This style of paneling is called, Beadboard.
Two color wall paint, light yellow and light dusty green.
Floating shelves were added and thirty by twenty four inches mirror between the sink and the new light fixture.
Installation of towel bar and floating shelf.
I added custom made medicine cabinet and a towel hook by the sink
All the above work was designed and done by Shapira Builders.
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