Custom Bi-Fold Doors between bedroom and a bathroom

Custom Bi-Fold Doors between bedroom and a bathroom.
My new client called me, she said, “my neighbour that you did some work for her recommended you to me. I would like you to install ‘Cafe Doors’ between my bedroom and the bathroom.”
I came to her house and found that the opening was three feet wide by eight feet.
She did not want a full size regular door, she wanted small ‘Cafe Doors’ that would swing both ways.
I have never found good looking hinges for Cafe Doors that work really well.
I made a suggestion, Custom Bi Fold doors with regular door hinges and no track on top.
She liked the idea and asked if I can make the doors with a panel.
Since she had six panel doors in the house, I told her, I can use a 32 inch hollow core new six panel door and cut it across and then split in half.
That will give me two 16 inch doors by 35 inch tall.
I made her a little sketch of how it will look and operates.
My client loved the idea and accepted the price.
After I cut the door across and split it into two doors, I had to insert and glue wood along the cut edges for the doors are hollow inside and supported by cardboard.
I hung the to doors together with two hinges and installed two hinges to the right hand door.
In addition to the doors, I got two by four clear wood to create the jamb.
I hung both doors with two hinges to the right post / jamb.
My client was very happy with the results and her husband is going to love it.
She like the idea that the doors can open and fold all the way, that will make easy to clean both rooms without walking back and forth through the doors if they were ‘Cafe Doors’
Thank you for reading.
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That's a really nifty idea – great solution and really well put together too
That is a great way of doing things. I really like that.
We have many older homes in our area with this same style. Great solution.
I would have never thought of using those type of doors for this. Good job.
It looks really good and I think it's the perfect solution for small spaces! Great job!
That's a great idea for some privacy, but still lets the light in.
The folding panel look great.
This looks like a great solution. Leave it to Dov Shapira to make "form follow function" with style! 🙂
Wow, First time I've seen a Costum Made door. Brilliant!
Great skills! The door looks awesome. Custom made makes it even better!
You are so clever, Dov! Such a unique look, very professional!